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Rules and Guidlines

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Rules and Guidlines Empty Rules and Guidlines

Post by xTANGOxV2 Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:23 pm

ImPulse Gaming League has never really set any formal rules for members so this will now be posted in the more frequently visited forums. Please abide by all rules below. If violated, moderators have been instructed to handle the situation as needed. So if your post is modified due to inappropriate content, they are only doing their job in keeping this a clean healthy environment for all. Try not to think of these so much as rules, but more as guidelines we ask you to follow.

Our forum is a very open environment and extremely laid back. There has never been an extreme language problem but please keep it to a minimum. It will be overlooked unless it becomes extreme. As mentioned there has never been a problem, but be advised your post may be edited if it because frequent or abusive. Sexually or racially offensive comments or photos will be edited when possible. No nudity. No sexual references are allowed that would be degrading or offensive to another member. Remember this does not necessarily refer to what is offensive to you. It refers to what is offensive to the general public that reads our boards. The moderators will use their best judgment in determining what is appropriate.

Sales in the Forums
If you have something to sell, you can contact an Admin. No for sale ads are permitted in any other forums. If you are disguising your for sale ad by asking a question to get around the rules, the ImP Gaming Staff will edit it and close the thread.

Double Posts
Occasionally a user will have a double post. If this happens, you may either delete your extra posts yourself, or our moderators will delete the excess posts when they see them. To delete your post within a thread, choose the "X" button in the bottom right of the post you made.

Thread Hijacking
Ok so we all get off track from time to time but please don't completely kill a valid thread and run it into the mud. If it gets off track please try and keep it to a minimum and not get carried away.

Posting Pranks & False Information
Playing pranks on the boards that involve someone "acting" as if they are angry or retaliating in some way is not acceptable. We have tons of guests and new members that do not understand our joking friendship amongst the longtime members. At first glance, it may appear we are an angry and backstabbing bunch and we do not want to lose members for that reason. ImP Gaming is one big happy family, but some folks don't understand that by the words they read in print. We're not saying it's forbidden, but the content of the prank should not appear negative to someone new to the boards. It is also prohibited to knowingly post false information for attention or other personal gains. Lying, cheating, or scamming will not be permitted between our members.

File Size
Keep LARGE files to a minimum. If that happens, we'll be forced to limit the size of photos, avatars, smilies, etc. To prevent that from happening, help keep duplicate photos from being posted in the same thread.

To keep all topics in line on our forums, religion is asked to stay out of forum topics. Everyone has different views and we wish to not discriminate or offend any of our members or guests visiting our forums. It is always a touchy subject matter which usually leads to someone leaving or being offended. SMR refuses to lost a member due to a subject matter. We are sure you understand.

Sexually Explicit Material
Please please keep sexual material out of sigs and avatars. If you have something to post that may be offensive or might get someone in trouble at work, please note it in the title of the post. NWS (Not Work Safe), AWW ( At Work Warning). We do not want to lose members or have someone not sign up if they see offensive material plastered in threads.

And Finally...HAVE FUN.
ImP Gaming League is not a strict place or a place to come and worry about what you should say. We strive to make this place as addicting as possible and look forward to seeing each and every one of you on the site every day.

If in doubt, if offended, or just feeling wronged: TAKE IT UP WITH THE MODS OR ADMINS! They have the power to change things if need be.
Thank you for taking the time to read these and following this few simple guidelines. See you in the forums!

xTANGOxV2/ Co-Owner/Admin

Posts : 96
Points : 5141
Join date : 2010-10-22
Age : 38

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